[_BB_] Blood Brigade

Together We Stand


=[BB]=Blood Brigade Gaming Community is a mature, family oriented and competitive gaming community comprised of over 100 members globally. Our members enjoy a wide variety of gaming to include; COD4, MW2, MW3, BF, BF3, Star Wars, EVE Online, Need for Speed World, World of Tanks and many others. Established in 2005, Blood Brigade has withstood the test of time and many of our members have become close personal friends.
Blood Brigade has become a household name in many families and many have come to rely on knowing we're here when life pulls you away and then settles.

We're building our Tanks forces for competitive battles in Clan Wars and Tournaments which will mean FREE GOLD to our members.

If you're interested in joining our community only in World of Tanks you can submit your application to join our Tank Clan w/ no questions asked.

If you're interested in becoming a part of our BB Family visit our website http://www.bloodbrigade.net and complete an application for membership.

Clan statistics

Number of members: 24

Ø Battles4410
Ø WN8887,93
Ø WinRate48,61%

Clan members


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate