Vorbild Kriegsakademie (war college) is the division of VPG created to help VPG members prepare for Clan Wars and other team battles. VPG-K focuses on training to develop team skills, various team battle formats for practice (and fun!), and platooning helping players to add higher tier tanks. The division participates in strongholds, tournaments, and (occasionally) Clan Wars.
Typical Operations: 8:00 - 11:00 PM Eastern (5:00 - 8:00 PM Pacific).
- Age 18+
- TS and microphone
- Have tanks appropriate for tier 6 and tier 8 Stronghold battles
- 49% overall win rate
- 760+ recent WN8
- Can commit to at least 3 nights a week
TO APPLY: Visit our website http://www.vorbildpanzergruppe.com, register a username (your WoT IGN is preferred), and fill out an application.
If you have any questions, contact any VPG group recruiter.