[UMM] United Metal Marauders

Hold my Beer. .................... Looking forward to Taking you Apart :)


The best thing about our clan is that there's no EGO Command, Founder Cajundaze always treats everyone equally and with respect. No "Pecking order" BS here. People with rank only have it to manage the activities. I Frank Obrien and very happy to continue that civil respect for each other that is the UMM Tradition.

1: Must have Teamspeak.com with a mic while in-game. Mandatory for membership.
2:Tier VI minimum for clan wars and strongholds
3: An active clan, we would ask you be active as well. Have fun and help make an enjoyable community. Not every night crazy, but at least a few times a week.
4. You must NOT be using State prison internet. Much to slow.
5. Must have WifeGirl friends permission to play.
6. You must be intelligent enough to know 4 and 5 is a joke :P.
7. Mature player 17 plus.

Active in strongholds, clan wars, and tournaments
website: http://www.unifiedmetalmarauder.clanwebsite.com

Commanders: Frank Obrien and Gunnerray

Clan statistics

Number of members: 52

Ø Battles25315
Ø WN81105,18
Ø WinRate49,05%

Clan members


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate