[TIHL] The Iron Horse Legion

Respect, Honor, Dignity, and Courage. We are made of, and are guardians of these.


The first thing to remember is that Real Life is always more important than the Game, but you still have to play at least 2-3 days a week. Unless you tell us ahead of time.

You may hear a bit of "adult language" on some occasions, jokes are allowed and encouraged, but be mindful that some of your mates are impressionable youth.

Big 6
1. Be respectful of all clan mates regardless of rank, race, creed, religion or gender.
2. We are a family type clan and so participation such as in-clan chat is expected (almost required) even if its just the average greetings.
3. Be respectable when dealing with other tankers. Try not to start arguments. Be cool headed and avoid them.
4.We also expect you to utilize in-game chat. ~Meaning ears is NOT optional, you must be able to hear~
5. Expected to join CW/SH, if you logged on at a match time -REPORT to CW.
6. Scrims & Tourneys are optional. But if you sign up, You need to SHOW UP for them.

Clan Website: http://tihl.webs.com/

Clan statistics

Number of members: 19

Ø Battles12546
Ø WN8996,95
Ø WinRate49,09%

Clan members


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate