[SLVR] Silver Clan

Live for Honor, Die for Glory


Our clan is fun, fair, and respectful.
We do not tolerate rudeness unless its just a joke.
You wont be denied spots in strongholds or clan wars if you don't have a tier 8 or 6, but if another player with has one we will sub you.
We will not force you to sell/buy any tanks, but ask that you have a tier 6 or 8.
Only the Commander/XOs are aloud to kick people from the Clan, so notify us if you feel like leaving, or feel threatened by others
Do not ask for ranks, but you may recommend others for higher ranks to the Commander and XOs.

-Own at least one tier 6,8 in your garage
-Have TeamSpeak3 installed, join us at ca44.ts3.cloud:3006
-Respect all players of the clan and treat everybody equally
-Do not mic spam or chat spam the TS
-Do not ask for higher ranks in TS or the Clan
-Respect peoples privacy

XO = Executive Officer, if you didnt know.

Et nos simul pugnare!

Clan statistics

Number of members: 11

Ø Battles8681
Ø WN8666,32
Ø WinRate47,19%

Clan members


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate