[NET-2] New England Tankers-2

Casual Clan for the Casual players


Casual Clan derived from NET with Active Casual players in mind. We work to instill fun in all aspects of the game. We have Teamspeak, website and a Clan Wars geared clan NET for those more serious. By sharing one TS and Site we have more options for building lasting friendships and team work. Come join us as you can when you can to share in the fun that a casual clan has to offer. Active membership required, not just in the game but using Team Speak and Website, we want to build NET-2 so that we can push on with Strongholds and Clan Wars. We look for people that enjoy playing with other members, we will not judge you by your stats they mean nothing to us here in NET-2.

Active On TeamSpeak during Game play.
Active on our Website.
Fun is the main objective.
The willingness to help others.
Must be respectful.
Under 18 are welcome we have a family

Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you.


Clan statistics

Number of members: 21

Ø Battles3702
Ø WN8547,57
Ø WinRate46,97%

Clan members


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate