[LION-] The Last Prime Lion Forces of Public Affection

Long Live Khellehos and Lobo. Gone but Never Forgotten <3


Rest Easy Khellehos and Lobo. Will miss you both as we continue on with the Unique Memories <3

We are the Last Prime Lion Forces of Public Affection. We Fight other clans together or solo. Either way, we win! We must win. We are the LAST!

Visit our clan forum @ lionclan.forumotion.com

Recruited players must have at least ( 3 ) Tier 6 ( Preferences toward Heavies - OI&#39;s, KV-2s, or T150s, Mediums - Cromwells, Jumbo, Easy 8, Skoda T25 or Strv 74, Lights Type 64 or Vk2801 and Td&#39;s Hellcat or Jackson) at least one Tier 8 ( or 7 if they can be to eight in a month). MANDATORY!!!!!!! tDiscord and be on it during evening game play. Need to be on 2-3 times a week. Need to Listen and be a team player.

Clan statistics

Number of members: 14

Ø Battles26293
Ø WN8699,19
Ø WinRate46,97%

Clan members

#Player name30D WN830D BattlesWN8Ø WinRateBattlesLast battlePositionJoined
1Rdeadking0,000998,3148,68%57396Recruitment officer
2KinGComScott1272,4682989,8349,96%4047Combat officer
3HOT__LEAD1079,36377960,8448,46%13402Executive officer
4mightiest_gen_pat_1808,4660925,9647,47%870Combat officer
5SteelToaster12899,81253774,3147,65%57944Combat officer
6Epr743,322752,0145,60%22062Recruitment officer
7vikingknight_20152231,75347723,1648,27%36823Executive officer
10Evolverx821,25854611,3846,43%82845Executive officer
11khellehos0,000522,1845,50%21602Recruitment officer
135hadow_Jacker365,71256247,1143,09%2063Combat officer
14CaptFuzzynuts169,0637681,5042,92%21468Executive officer

Clan history

Player nameChangeDate