Edge-Gamers is a multi-game community founded in 2006. www.edge-gamers.com
When World of Tanks released open beta in 2011, edge-gamers was ready and entered into the foray with the creation of two clans. EGO for competitive / leisurely play and EGO-A for new and up and coming tankers.
Feb 2013: Realignment of the existing clans and the addition of a competitive team.
-EGO- was created with the expressed goal of competing in the Ultimate Conquest: Clan Wars
EGO-A has been realigned as our training centre for new and up and coming tankers wishing to enter the competitive arena.
EGO for those wishing a more relaxed gaming experience and for those wishing to take a break from Clan Wars
Many clans recruit top tier players, We prefer to recruit those who are team players and willing to learn to become top players.