[DRAG0] KillerDragons

Stand Together We are Family


Thank you for joining DRAGO! We are a clan that accepts any one that plays world of tanks with a passion. We don't care if you suck because in the world we live in we all learn to crawl, walk, then run and you will run faster when you have the right support, as your big brother I see to your learning and I love to mess around. - anyone that concerned about stats relax- You will get better I know it we ll will.

We are all about Family here!

-Ryde -Your Brother in Arms-

Clan statistics

Number of members: 11

Ø Battles5984
Ø WN8557,30
Ø WinRate45,82%

Clan members

#Player name30D WN830D BattlesWN8Ø WinRateBattlesLast battlePositionJoined
1OneThick120MMInYourArea0,0001141,3849,56%226Executive officer
2Pocazuera0,0001108,3851,08%278Recruitment officer
3neojxy0,000837,0348,64%7332Recruitment officer
4Ryde_Sniper0,000832,6346,96%9238Executive officer
5yamato_8923582,7080585,4346,69%23178Recruitment officer
8DeathShadow_230,000379,7542,48%113Recruitment officer
9charizard64d0,000365,5344,77%5142Executive officer
10delta1986_marksman160,1384268,3142,97%12260Personnel officer
11stormyfallenrose0,0000,00N/A0Personnel officer

Clan history

Player nameChangeDate