[DARE] Deadly_Abram's Ranger Elite

"Fortes soli, fortiores una" (For we are strong alone and even stronger together).


Dedication to : General Creighton Abrams - The Black Horse

DARE is a newly formed clan with the hopes of introducing individuals to being part of a team. This can be your starting point. Likely we will not enter Clan Wars anytime soon, however I am looking forward to entering Strongholds, do Platooning, Team Battles and more.

1, Respect each other and tankers you battle with or against in any skirmish.
2, I reserve the right to final say in any issue. I am fair to anyone regardless of personality.
3, If you have to question whether an action you take is right or not, choose not.
4, No profanity or use of acronym of such meaning. * 5, No Blaspheming.

DARE is not for the SUPER players, we are here to develop our skills and have fun trying new things.
DARE is for the individuals that don't meet all the requirements of more advanced clans.

Clan statistics

Number of members: 12

Ø Battles2059
Ø WN8332,66
Ø WinRate45,87%

Clan members

#Player name30D WN830D BattlesWN8Ø WinRateBattlesLast battlePositionJoined
3ZweitgeborenenPanzer0,000794,8745,26%95Junior officer
4ACeTheGreat980,000624,1248,38%2710Intelligence officer
5geopat19650,000299,8945,80%9812Personnel officer
8DanDuncan0,00058,5446,47%439Recruitment officer
9aqz20110,00045,9945,25%179Junior officer
10KaosAnubis0,00033,3041,95%6460Personnel officer
12CrazyAussie_20140,00012,4741,24%485Recruitment officer

Clan history

Player nameChangeDate