[BZZZT] Stinging Swarm

Curing Sky Cancer, one match at a time.


We are a very aggressive and bold maneuver clan that is looking for some recruits with the willingness to work as a team and participate in training to make that happen. Regular platoon activity with clan-mates is an essential and expected thing. Stinging Swarm is growing in efforts to get into clan stronghold/skirmish action. We are not quite there yet but we are pointed in that direction with intentions of putting our mark on the world map.

Clan statistics

Number of members: 1

Ø Battles0
Ø WN80,00
Ø WinRate0,00%

Clan members

#Player name30D WN830D BattlesWN8Ø WinRateBattlesLast battlePositionJoined

Skirmishes statistics

#Player name7D Battles30D Battles

Clan history

Player nameChangeDate