[3SRO] Elite Soldiers of the Royal Ordinance

Made ya' look all manner of stupid!


Welcome to 3SRO, we are a stronghold and platoon based clan. We will be rolling out in our swift tanks
and choosing our fights wisely.We will be pushing strongholds because of its perks and benefits for our
3SRO members. Currently we have a Teamspeak Channel which members have access too.

Minimum Requirements
-Many viable teir 6 tanks (2 or 3)
-One tier 8
-4k pr
-Competitive Attitude
-Basic Knowledge of Maps
-Ability to use Teamspeak

Our TS Address: 3SRO.clanwarz.wtf

Clan statistics

Number of members: 12

Ø Battles6325
Ø WN81315,79
Ø WinRate50,53%

Clan members

Skirmishes statistics


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate