Clanul NWS- Noobs With Skills recruteaza! Aplica daca indeplinesti urmatoarele conditii:
NWS - Noobs With Skills is recruting. Apply if you have :
- Personal rating > 7000
- WN8> 1400
- 2 tier VIII : Defender/ OBJ. 252U/ IS 3/ VK. 100.01 P/ Wz.132/ M 41 GF/ IS 3 / Emil I / AMX 50 100
- 3 tier X : Obj. 140/ T 62 A/ M 48 Patton/ Bc. 25 t. / 113/ WZ 111 5A/ T 110 E5 / T 57 Heavy/ AMX 50 B/ E 100/ Maus/ Type 5 Heavy / IS 7/ IS 4
[_NWS_] Noobs with Skills

We are not here to take part. We are here to take over!