[SJB] The SaltyJedi Battalion

"Guided By The Force"


Welcome to the Saltyjedi battalion

The social clan set up by Community Contributor Saltyjedi.

We are chilled casual multi national gaming community, we are purely social players, who like to have fun whilst gaming. If your looking for competitive gameplay within a great community please apply to [-SJA-] The SaltyJedi Alliance.

- Join the Discord server for platoons and team based battles: https://discord.gg/cAztYV3
- Please speak English when communicating on the clan channels.
- You are representing the clan even when playing solo.

If you are interested in joining our community, speak to one of our officer's.

1. English speaking with a sense of humour and be 16 years of age or older
2. Social players
3. Try to use Discord when gaming (we understand this is not always possible)
4. We are drama / toxicity free, as such we don't flame, rage, grief etc

Clan statistics

Number of members: 3

Ø Battles48352
Ø WN81420,78
Ø WinRate52,25%

Clan members

Skirmishes statistics


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate