Swift and Deadly



- Working discord, and respond within reasonable time, link will be given after we accept u in clan
- English good enough to communicate during battle
- Tier VI, VIII, X skirmish capable vehicle ( Tier X is needed for rank private * )
- Play during evennings CET ( 18:00-24:00 )
- During clan wars, you have to declare at least 1 tank you can take to the battle and hours you can play
( if you cant find time its fine if you declare it, ppl have vacations, jobs, etc. )
- Play at least 1 clan skirmish session per month.
- Player starts as reservists and has inicialization phase of 2 weeks , if he joins team battles and proves worty
then Combat Officer says if he gets private, rules for promotion are:
- Player has to earn 10.000 strategic resource per month
- Be active in skirmishes
- Tier X tank

Clan statistics

Number of members: 98

Ø Battles12829
Ø WN81037,87
Ø WinRate48,81%

Clan members


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate