[LRDG] Long Range Desert Group

Non Vi Sed Arte


Our motto means "not by strength, by guile. We are sneaky, cunning and down-right underhanded.
We are a bunch of friends who play many on-line games and are having lots of fun playing this one.
The first rule of L.R.D.G. is that we are friends and put that before anything.
The second rule is that we use T.S. and talk a rough approximation of English.
The third rule is that we try to win but do not put that above the first rule.
If all this sounds good to you then please make an application and we will welcome you into our ranks. If it all sounds rubbish then please move along, this is not the clan you are looking for.
GL n HF :)

Clan statistics

Number of members: 1

Ø Battles6880
Ø WN8718,43
Ø WinRate47,76%

Clan members

#Player name30D WN830D BattlesWN8Ø WinRateBattlesLast battlePositionJoined

Skirmishes statistics

#Player name7D Battles30D Battles

Clan history

Player nameChangeDate