[KERE] Košice Represent

"Better to die than to be a coward"


Sme novozalozeny klan do ktoreho je vitany kazdy kto chce najst fajn spoluhracov aby nemusel hrat sam a vedel si lepsie uzivat hru. Pri navyseni poctu clenov mame v plane sa venovat viac klanovym zalezitostiam.

We are new clan. Everyone is welcome to find some comrades and play together and have some fun. When we will have more players in clan we will give more attention to clan wars.

Clan statistics

Number of members: 1

Ø Battles5782
Ø WN81388,64
Ø WinRate52,11%

Clan members

Skirmishes statistics


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate