[FOS_2] Freedom of Speech-2

One of the most valuable ideologies of the 21st century.


Censorship has always been around since the beginning of the human culture, constantly restricting progress. It only pounds fear by insecure tyrants, upon all the humans on the planet, ensuring their dictatorship on your lives. They tell you how to think, hiding behind lies that 'it's moral' when in reality it's just an excuse to call you a criminal, to make you feel one step below them, that you are wrong and they are right. Nowadays you can be alienated for saying any simple idea, and through that hate towards you, they are one step closer to completely manipulating you. It is a known fact that ran for thousands of years back to the evil emperors who make themselves look supreme, but no longer.

It is time to fight back, it is time to say NO to every single crybaby who thinks you should shut up. It is time to live in a society without fear of having the fake authority take your life, say NO to dictatorship and NO to censorship.

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Number of members: 1

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Ø WN80,00
Ø WinRate0,00%

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