[DUDL] Čelična Divizija

Be spotted without spotting anyone!


Tražimo nove članove za naš klan "Čelična Divizija"! Ako si strastveni igrač s željom za timskom igrom, možda si upravo ono što tražimo!


- WN8 +1500
- +2000 dmg na t10
- Aktivnost u igri
- Bar 5 korisnih tenkova za CW (Clan Wars) i Stronghold
- Obavezna prisutnost na Teamspeaku poslje 19 (adresa: bti.rs)
- Kontakt: Rizla_Da, Igifor, pankreas

Pridruži se našem klanu, sudjeluj u taktičkim bitkama i zajedno s nama ostvari pobjede! Ako si zainteresiran, javi nam se!

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@CelicniOblak

Clan statistics

Number of members: 66

Ø Battles36984
Ø WN81549,84
Ø WinRate51,30%

Clan members


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate
Vanja007Joined03/22/2025, 08:02 PM UTC
zlatko_iron1Joined03/19/2025, 06:20 PM UTC
Princip_Gavrilo_Joined03/17/2025, 08:08 PM UTC
chola019Left 03/15/2025, 09:07 PM UTC
DesingerNijeCavaBajoJoined03/14/2025, 10:35 AM UTC
chola019Joined03/13/2025, 05:30 PM UTC
Milan1_MCLeft 03/09/2025, 09:07 PM UTC
Angelus_LLeft 03/09/2025, 08:23 PM UTC
BR4V05Left 03/08/2025, 05:18 AM UTC
katsumotoLeft 03/07/2025, 11:17 PM UTC
xiphoideus74Left 03/07/2025, 09:07 PM UTC
Angelus_LJoined03/06/2025, 08:25 PM UTC
hale94killerLeft 03/02/2025, 09:06 PM UTC
MarksmainLeft 03/02/2025, 09:06 PM UTC
kaMaZoNyLeft 03/02/2025, 09:06 PM UTC
Vedran97_Left 03/02/2025, 09:06 PM UTC
BanjaLukaEasy8Left 03/02/2025, 09:06 PM UTC
dinozmaj1234Left 03/02/2025, 09:06 PM UTC
Valentino_JordanoskiLeft 03/02/2025, 09:06 PM UTC
petar_gelemanovicLeft 03/02/2025, 09:06 PM UTC
just_SaKe99_destroyerJoined03/02/2025, 05:42 PM UTC
PROshooter001Left 03/02/2025, 05:31 PM UTC
sumiivanLeft 03/02/2025, 05:30 PM UTC
memulicaLeft 03/02/2025, 05:16 PM UTC
pankreasJoined03/01/2025, 08:50 PM UTC
Princip_Gavrilo_Left 03/01/2025, 05:25 PM UTC
pankreasLeft 03/01/2025, 09:07 AM UTC
MalaSovaLeft 02/28/2025, 09:07 PM UTC
mohicanJoined02/28/2025, 06:47 PM UTC
cvele019Joined02/26/2025, 06:23 PM UTC
kizabrateJoined02/26/2025, 05:20 PM UTC
boskom55Left 02/25/2025, 05:26 PM UTC
_TrueName_Left 02/24/2025, 11:24 PM UTC
Crusader899Joined02/24/2025, 06:22 PM UTC
__BORKO__Joined02/24/2025, 06:21 PM UTC
boskom55Joined02/24/2025, 01:18 PM UTC
Milan1_MCJoined02/23/2025, 08:35 PM UTC
Besna_GlistaJoined02/23/2025, 05:13 PM UTC
stanisa0Left 02/22/2025, 05:31 PM UTC
deki001nsJoined02/22/2025, 10:24 AM UTC
_TrueName_Joined02/22/2025, 06:17 AM UTC
4ddelJoined02/21/2025, 08:47 PM UTC