[DRW] Die Roten Wölfen

Just wait hares!


Website of our clan: http://drw.euweb.cz

We are looking for the new recruits! Requirements: activity, to have installed Razer Comms (teamspeak software), to read clan messages on main site worldoftanks.eu, where are informations about clan battles and to cooperate.

Want to join us?
So write with application: if you have any tank of IV tier, on which days are you online, if you are able to obey higher ranked soldiers, if you would like to have any officer ́s function in the clan, if you specialize to some vehicles (and which ones) and if you know where to find "clan ́s board".

Clan statistics

Number of members: 14

Ø Battles1279
Ø WN8284,29
Ø WinRate46,78%

Clan members

Skirmishes statistics


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate