[CAT] AlphaCAT - Canons Catalans

Happiness is a tiger in your tank and a pussycat in your back seat.


Alpha for the gun of our tanks, and cat for the feline spirit.
Alfa pel canó dels nostres tancs, i "cat" per l'esperit felí.
Alfa por el cañón de nuestros tanques y "cat" por el espíritu felino.

Clan Català.
Everybody is welcome. Fight, laugh and get a lot of fun!
We speak Catalan, Castellano, English and sometimes others.
Únete a nuesras filas, para pasar un buen rato juntos.

S'activen tickets per bonus de crèdits i altres.

Requisits per ser membre
1 - Respectar als companys.
2 - Tenir games de pasar-ho bé.
3- Unir-se al discord del clan per participar de tant en tant.


Antic clan del club de joc AlphaAres; https://www.alphaares.com/es/

Clan statistics

Number of members: 74

Ø Battles17756
Ø WN81177,86
Ø WinRate50,24%

Clan members


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate
lordkapiJoined03/14/2025, 11:09 PM UTC
keusfolenJoined03/04/2025, 05:24 PM UTC
XBarrLeft 03/03/2025, 09:06 PM UTC
IsharkyILeft 02/25/2025, 09:06 PM UTC
kmk660Left 02/25/2025, 09:06 PM UTC
Kamov50Left 02/25/2025, 09:06 PM UTC
Dalek_KungenLeft 02/25/2025, 09:06 PM UTC
Ilea_PetreLeft 02/25/2025, 09:06 PM UTC
cocogtLeft 02/25/2025, 09:06 PM UTC
NI25COLeft 02/25/2025, 09:06 PM UTC
Marcossom1Left 02/25/2025, 09:06 PM UTC
libanezJoined02/21/2025, 03:47 PM UTC
franmaster_2015Left 02/20/2025, 09:05 PM UTC